Stock Connect ETF Information Portal

March Overview

Source: SSE, SZSE, HKEX, CESC. Data cut-off date: 31 Mar 2024.
*SouthBound/Northbound ETF ADT: ADT under Stock Connect.

Top 10 Northbound ETFs of March

TOP 10 ETFs by AUM
Rank Code Name AUM
(RMB mil)
1 510300  Huatai-PB CSI 300 ETF 195,244.58
2 510310  E Fund CSI 300 ETF Initiating Fund 134,714.31
3 510050  ChinaAMC China 50 ETF 112,468.96
4 159919  Harvest CSI 300 ETF 105,763.28
5 510330  ChinaAMC CSI 300 ETF 98,124.60
6 510500  China Southern CSI 500 ETF 78,226.69
7 588000  ChinaAMC China Science And Technology Innovation Board 50 Component ETF 72,932.62
8 159915  E Fund ChiNext ETF 55,268.20
9 588080  E Fund China Science And Technology Innovation Board 50 Component ETF 35,215.26
10 512880  Guotai CSI All Share Investment Banking & Brokerage Index ETF 30,153.03
  • Huatai-PB: In March, the CSI 300 Index experienced a 0.61% increase. Ongoing efforts are being made to enhance market confidence and restore the economic environment. The gradual improvement of macro data since March is a positive indication. If upcoming price data also performs well, it is likely that the bullish trend in the market will continue. Our outlook for Beta remains optimistic, and we are confident in the performance of large caps. (08/04/2024)

  • China AMC: 上证50指数行业分布均衡,相对其他大盘宽基指数,略偏向金融消费行业,复苏链相关板块成份股权重较高,是政策和经济复苏受益的投资方向。(04/03/2024)
  • Guotai Fund: The current policy is still in a virtuous cycle, and it is expected that active capital market measures will be further implemented in the future, boosting market sentiment and trading activity, and laying the foundation for performance growth for securities companies. In addition, the promotion of capital market reforms such as the comprehensive registration system is also expected to bring new business development opportunities for deepening the reform of the securities market. (08/04/2024)


TOP10 ETFs by Monthly Return
Rank Code Name Return
1 512400  China Southern CSI SWS Non-Ferrous Metal ETF 11.98%
2 516150  Harvest CSI Rare Earth Industry ETF 6.24%
3 562990  E Fund CSI SEEE CARBON NEUTRAL ETF 5.03%
4 159639  China Southern CSI SEEE CARBON NEUTRAL ETF 4.75%
5 515880  Guotai CSI All Share Communication Equipment ETF 4.62%
6 159611  GF CSI All Share Power Public Service ETF 4.30%
7 560050  China Universal MSCI China A50 Interconnection ETF 3.86%
8 563000  E Fund MSCI China A50 Interconnection ETF 3.85%
9 159602  China Southern MSCI China A50 Interconnection ETF 3.71%
10 515050  ChinaAMC CSI 5G Communication Theme ETF 3.58%
  • China Southern: 近期以金、铜为代表的大宗商品呈现快速上行态势,即便上周五晚公布的美国3月新增非农就业人数大超预期达30.3万人,创2023年5月以来的最大增速,美联储降息预期也逐步弱化,但黄金仍一骑绝尘。这轮金价上行的核心是对美元信用体系的对冲,降息预期交易在部分时段助推了金价上涨,但核心驱动已经转变为中国等新兴市场国家央行在去美元化背景下的购金行为,以及全球地缘冲突迭起背景下的避险需求。金价呈现中枢不断抬升之势,黄金的货币属性主导了此轮金价长周期上行。当前黄金股估值相对合理,金价上行将进一步助推股价修复。而如铜、铝为代表的资源品本身供需偏紧之际,金融属性将进一步放大其价格弹性。因此,大宗商品的牛市是可以预期的,尤其是有色的需求是全球性的,美国3月制造业PMI和非农数据再度凸显其经济韧性,软着陆预期强化推动铜价上涨,而受益于海外需求上升,中国制造业PMI数据也开始超预期。四月份大盘整体可能难有大行情,但是随着金铜的强势行情,有色金属可以重点关注。(10/04/2023)
  • Harvest Fund: Benefiting from the resonance of multiple factors, the rare earth industry has ushered in a rebound: Firstly, rare earths are upstream in the new energy vehicle (NEV) industry. Over the past two years, their market trends have followed the NEV sector, experiencing significant declines. Recently, with the entry of new players in the downstream vehicle market and technological breakthroughs leading to industry chain upgrades, there is a fundamental reversal momentum. Additionally, over the past two months, the battery industry's production scheduling has exceeded expectations, objectively contributing to the rebound momentum. The entire NEV sector has initiated a recovery from adversity, with rare earths, as the direct upstream of NEV motors, directly benefiting. Secondly, rare earths are also a type of metal resource. With the recent increase in market panic, shifts in supply and demand dynamics, and the anticipation of overseas interest rate cuts, the prices of commodities such as oil, gold, and copper have risen. This has driven an increase in investment enthusiasm and expectations in the entire non-ferrous metals sector. As rare earths are a strategically scarce resource where our country holds an absolute advantage and are part of the non-ferrous metals sector, they follow the upward cycle of the entire industry. At the same time, after more than a year of decline, both the stock prices and commodity prices of rare earths are currently at absolute and relative lows. From a point of view, the current rare earth industry index is similar to the level around May 2021, before the last rare earth market boom, which is not high in absolute terms. Moreover, the current price of the rare earth industry index has dropped about 40% from the high point in 2021, indicating a significant decline, and the room for upward movement at the current juncture is considerable. Finally, in early March of this year, the price of the main rare earth oxide, neodymium-praseodymium oxide, fell to its lowest at 340,000 yuan/ton, approaching the price level of 2020, indicating a severe overshoot. The market generally expected the price to bottom out. In early April, the price of neodymium-praseodymium rebounded rapidly and has now reached around 400,000 yuan/ton. The bottoming out and rebound of commodity prices have driven an improvement in the investment sentiment and expectations for the entire sector. (10/04/2024)

  • Guotai Fund: As the fundamental component of data transmission, the demand for optical modules will experience explosive growth under the catalysis of large models. Chinese optical module enterprises occupy over 60% of the global market share, with a significant first mover advantage. Winning North American orders has high certainty, high performance visibility, and strong landing ability. (08/04/2024)


TOP 10 ETFs by Monthly Net-Buy
Rank Code Name Net Buy**
(RMB mil)
1 510310  E Fund CSI 300 ETF Initiating Fund 16,810.50
2 510300  Huatai-PB CSI 300 ETF 6,367.77
3 159919  Harvest CSI 300 ETF 4,103.55
4 510330  ChinaAMC CSI 300 ETF 3,948.08
5 510500  China Southern CSI 500 ETF 2,346.67
6 512100  China Southern CSI 1000 ETF 1,387.59
7 512500  ChinaAMC CSI 500 ETF 1,254.03
8 515220  Guotai CSI Coal ETF 1,252.58
9 159922  Harvest CSI 500 ETF 1,132.11
10 159925  China Southern CSI 300 ETF 1,048.40
  • China AMC: 春节前后,伴随降准降息等利好政策落地,股市走出V型反转,成交额多次破万亿,市场情绪趋向活跃。2024年是稳增长政策产生效果的发力之年,美联储货币政策转向之年,相信市场会出现更多重要、积极的变化。沪深300指数作为A股大盘宽基指数,行业分布均衡分散,是低位整体布局A股的核心工具。(04/03/2024)
  • China Southern: 国内宏观经济数据仍底部运行,消费活动温和恢复,但地产和基建投资存在持续减速的压力;美国经济数据与通胀预期均指向美联储转向交易短期仍存不确定性,维持通胀和海外利率有一定粘性的判断,预计将持续压制大盘蓝筹表现。当前中证500、中证1000等中小盘指数估值仍处历史低位,安全边际较高;国家政策多次强调“新质生产力”概念,重点聚焦战略新兴产业,也构成对成长新经济的催化。短期市场经过反弹后或偏区间盘整,建议企稳后超配中小市值风格,有望获取超额收益。(10/04/2024)
  • Guotai Fund: In the context of coal transformation and "dual carbon", coal enterprises generally have a weak willingness to reinvest traditional main business capital, which also means that the number of new coal mines in China in the future is limited, and coal prices are supported. In addition, high-quality upstream resource enterprises have the characteristics of "high dividends+high dividends", indicating that the sector has certain investment value. (08/04/2024)


TOP 10 ETFs by Monthly ADT
Rank Code Name ADT***
(RMB mil)
1 510300  Huatai-PB CSI 300 ETF 3,516.54
2 510050  ChinaAMC China 50 ETF 2,640.83
3 588000  ChinaAMC China Science And Technology Innovation Board 50 Component ETF 2,215.11
4 510500  China Southern CSI 500 ETF 2,121.83
5 159915  E Fund ChiNext ETF 2,062.45
6 510310  E Fund CSI 300 ETF Initiating Fund 1,839.71
7 159919  Harvest CSI 300 ETF 1,471.93
8 512100  China Southern CSI 1000 ETF 1,210.70
9 510330  ChinaAMC CSI 300 ETF 1,148.00
10 512880  Guotai CSI All Share Investment Banking & Brokerage Index ETF 1,083.76
  • China AMC: “以科技创新引领现代化产业体系建设”是2024年经济工作的首要任务,科创板是我国新质生产力的代表,结合当前处于人工智能等产业变革的关键节点,政策支持叠加产业趋势有望驱动科创板内生增长进一步提升。科创50指数对科创板具有较强的代表性。(04/03/2024)
  • Harvest Fund: In February, the domestic CPI exceeded expectations, with a year-on-year increase of 0.7%, a significant increase of 1.5 percentage points from the previous value, ending four consecutive months of negative growth. Although the year-on-year correction of CPI is mainly due to the misalignment of the Spring Festival, consumption is indeed steadily recovering. At the same time, the manufacturing PMI rebounded to 50.8% in March, returning above the 50% line after a 5-month hiatus. This indicates that the production and operation activities of the manufacturing industry have entered the expansion range again, and the rebound rate exceeds seasonality. Although the problem of insufficient demand still exists, with the gradual implementation of policies and the transmission of positive signals through PMI data, the macroeconomic situation is expected to continue to improve. The CSI 300 Index, as a core asset in the A-share market, is expected to fully benefit. Considering that the industry of the CSI 300 Index is relatively balanced and the growth attributes of technological innovation continue to strengthen, the current valuation of the CSI 300 Index is 11.71 times, at the 27% percentile in the past 10 years and the 24% percentile in the past 5 years, and the valuation is still at the historical bottom area. At present, the investment value of the CSI 300 Index is relatively high, with the potential for valuation restoration and significant allocation value. (09/04/2024)

Southbound Eligible ETFs Overview

Code Name Tracking Index AUM
(HKD mil)
1M Return Net Buy**
(HKD mil, 1M)
(HKD mil, 1M)
2800  TRACKER FUND OF HONG KONG  Hang Seng Index 122,960.35 0.63% -1,760.37 7,189.32
2828  HANG SENG CHINA ENTERPRISES INDEX ETF  Hang Seng China Enterprises Index 22,903.92 2.31% -4,427.44 2,866.23
3033  CSOP HANG SENG TECH INDEX ETF   Hang Seng TECH Index 29,033.25 1.33% -388.49 1,716.45
3067  ISHARES HANG SENG TECH ETF  Hang Seng TECH Index 9,216.02 1.38% -167.46 101.48
3037  CSOP HSI ETF  Hang Seng Index 1,288.41 0.63% 0.00 1.51
3032  HSTECH ETF  Hang Seng TECH Index 2,786.82 1.35% -19.01 41.42
2837 GX HS TECH  Hang Seng TECH Index 3,314.03 1.37% 0.00 0.39
3088 CAM HS TECH  Hang Seng TECH Index 1,963.28 1.36% 43.13 35.60
Source: SSE, SZSE, HKEX, CESC. Data cut-off date: 31 Mar 2024.
**Net-Buy(estimated)= Σ(Fund units Increment × Daily Turnover / Daily Volume)
***ADT: ADT in home market 


More Info of ETFs' Issuers

GF Fund Management Co., Ltd. established on August 5, 2003. As of Dec 31th, 2021, the company's assets under management reached over a trillion, with 295 open-end funds under management.
For more information please visit:;
Guotai Fund is one of the first fund management company established in China. As of July 22, 2022, there were 41 non-currency ETFs in Guotai Fund, with a total scale of 98.478 billion yuan.
For more information, please refer to;
Huaan Funds Management Company was founded in 1998. At the end of 2021, the total AUM of Huaan is nearly 600 Billion CNY.
For more information, please visit:;
Tianhong Asset Management was established in 2004. As of June 30, 2022, 160 public funds had been managed,which the scale of public fund management is up to 1196.90 billion yuan.
For more information, please refer to the company's official website:;
Harvest Fund was established in March, 1999. As of June 2022, the company has managed 275 public funds with a total scale of 781.623 billion. A total of 32 ETFs were managed, with a total scale of 36.258 billion.
Please check the official website for more information:;
China Merchants Fund Management Co., Ltd. was established in 2002. As of December 31, 2022, the non-monetary fund assets under management of China Merchants Fund was more than 560 billion yuan, ranking No.5 in the industry at first time.
For more information ,please visit;
China Southern Asset Management Co., Ltd. was founded on March 6. As of June 30 2022, SAM managed 296 mutual funds worth RMB 1050.2 billion.
For more information ,please visit;
China Universal Asset Management Co., Ltd. ("CUAM") was established in 2005 and is headquartered in Shanghai. As of the end of the second quarter of 2022, CUAM has managed 252 mutual funds in China.
For more information, please visit CUAM official website;
China Asset Management Company (ChinaAMC) was founded in 1998. By the end of 2021 it managed 58 ETF with a combined asset under management of RMB 245.7 billion.
For more information you can visit:;
Fullgoal Fund Management Co Ltd was founded in 1999. As of 30 June, 2022, Fullgoal Fund has a total mutual fund AUM CNY 647 billion (excluding MMF and short-term wealth management bond funds).
For more information, please visit the company's website:;
Huatai-PineBridge Fund Management Co., Ltd (“Huatai-PineBridge” or “HTPB”) was Established in 2004. HTPB’s ETFs have combined assets under management of over US $16 billion (as of 31 Dec 2021).
For more Information, please visit;
Penghua Fund was established in 1998, As of June 30, 2022, the company has managed 267 public funds with a total scale of 929.2 billion. A total of 22 ETFs were managed, with a total scale of 24.2 billion.
For more information please visit;
Yinhua Fund was established in May 2001. By the end of 2023, there are 40 ETFs under management, with a total AUM over RMB 130 billion.
For more information, please check the company's official website:;
Hwabao WP Fund Management Co., Ltd. established on March 7, 2003. As of Dec 31th, 2023, the company's assets under management reached over 320 billion yuan, with 138 open-end funds under management.
For more information please visit:;
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